The Golden Hour

The Golden Hour

If you're a fan of ginger like us, this one will become a new favorite. Enjoy her in the evening, preferably during the golden hour 😉.

Some fun facts from our Founder & Functional Dietitian Meg:

  • ginger is a gentle carminative (helping to gently move things along and dispel unwanted gas/bloat) -a great support system for summer travel!

  • coconut water is a rich source of potassium (supports proper hydration and fuels the metabolism)

  • salt is source of the mineral sodium (for proper hydration and adrenal support)

  • JÜJ = rich in bitter herbs that gently support detox via enhanced flow and function of bile

  • 1/2 cup fresh ginger juice  (I blend ginger root + water and strain through a sieve, you can also use 2 Vive Organic ginger shots)
  • 1 cup coconut water (make sure 100%, no additives)
  • 1 lime - juiced
  • pinch of unrefined sea salt
  • 2 dropperfuls Cranbiscus JÜJ
  • 1.5 cups sparkling water

Mix first 5 ingredients and give them a quick stir, divide into two 10-12 oz glasses. Then fill to the top with sparkling water (taste and see, add more if you like it more diluted)

(Makes ~2 serving)



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Add a little JÜJ to your mocktail